Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Consumer Reports Washers

ATTENTION !!!!!!!!! HIV RISK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mobile phones

In Lyon, in a box night (Titan), people have had a needle in the arm by a guy laugh and say 'this is it you're with us, thee AIDS'.
> This happened in Paris.
> A few weeks ago, in a theater, a person sat on something sharp on the seats.
> When she got up to see what it was,
> she found a needle through the
> HQ with a note attached saying:
> 'You have been infected by HIV'.
> The Center for Disease Control reports several
> similar events in several other cities recently.
> All tested needles are HIV positive.
> reports that the Centre has also found needles in return
> distributors public money.
> They ask everyone to use a Far
> caution when you are confronted with this kind of situation.
> All public chairs should be inspected with vigilance
> And caution before use.
> A careful visual inspection should suffice.
> In addition, they ask each
> communicate the notice to all members of your family
> and friends from potential harm.
> Thanks.
> The above information has been sent by
> Municipal Police of the City of Issy Les Moulineaux all departments
> Ile de France who spread the news in every city.
> I was asked to pass this to as many of
> people as possible.
> This is very important!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flu Symptoms After Quitting Smoking

12 good reflexes to adopt

Center Independent Research and Information on Electromagnetic Radiation

1. No cell phone for under 15 . The growth of the developing organism
makes them particularly vulnerable to all
electromagnetic radiation, those motives included. And more exposure is
earlier, more radiation doses accumulated are important. Access to
a mobile phone should be an exception in case of emergency, for example.

2. It is officially recommended to never approach a mobile phone operating belly of a pregnant woman (water from the placenta and cells of the embryo are very sensitive to the energy released by the cell) or within 20 cm from any metal implants, cardiac or otherwise, to limit the risk of electromagnetic interference.

3. Choosing and using a mobile phone whose SAR value is as low as possible, preferably still less than 0.7 W / kg (see Top Das).

4. Do not wear his phone up to or against his heart, the armpit or hip, near the genitals . Hold the phone's antenna as far as possible from home. Even when sending an SMS.

5. Always use the headset that came with your phone to remove the device to your ear (and your brain) the time of the conversation. Always prefer the headset "wired" to other wireless gadget.

6. Limit the number and duration of your calls. Not more than 5 or 6 calls per day for example, no more than 2 or 3 minutes each. Observe an average time of 1:30 between each call.

7. Do call that under conditions of maximum reception : when your screen displays "4 bars" network, no less. For each bar is missing, the radiation emitted by phone to connect is multiplied by 2.

8. Do not call while moving or train or by car or by bus or on foot or on horseback or by bike or by boat or by scooter or inline skates, etc..

9. Do not call a car, even at a standstill, or any other metal substructure. A so-called "Faraday cage" captures and reflects the waves emitted by the phones, then underwent radiation maximum at the center of the "cage". In a car, it is at the height of your head.

10. Keep the mobile and keep you vertically time to join your party and as the first bell has not rung. Often a beep or a visual signal indicating you are logged on the number called.

11. Remember: in public, your neighbors suffer the radiation emitted by your
voisin.S it away to avoid their passive exposure.

12. night, never keep a phone on or in recharge less than 50 inches from your head. Always extinguish to limit its influence and that of the base station with which it communicates (24/24 exposed shoreline).

Monday, March 10, 2008

What Printer Is Bella Using In New Moon

Diabetes: a global epidemic tropical diseases

The New York Times reports that in 20 years diagnosed diabetes worldwide rose from 30 to 230 million, according to figures from the International Diabetes Federation. Seven of the ten countries with the largest number of diabetics are in developing countries. "Diabetes is rapidly emerging as the greatest health catastrophe that the world has ever seen," said federation president, Professor Martin Silink. Accuracy of the newspaper: "In some of the poorest countries, the disease is fatal in the short term. "