4 mosquito repellents are recommended
The mosquito repellent that is applied directly on skin, or skin repellents are not considered drugs. As a result, they are not subject to authorization on the market (AMM). However, EU plans to set up in 2009 an authorization procedure.
In the meantime, you can rely on experts biocides the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS), which recommends four active ingredients:
citriodiol, IR 3535, DEET and KBR. This means that before choosing a mosquito repellent , look for the presence of one of these names in the list of ingredients and dosage.
careful though, some are cons-indicated in children and pregnant women.
Which mosquito repellent for a pregnant woman choose? Only products IR 3535, 20 or 35% are recommended for women pregnant.
What mosquito choice for children?
Children under 30 months
It is recommended to refrain from any repellent because of the lack of safety studies.
Children from 30 months to 12 years
citriodiol, 20 to 50%: Mosiguard (spray) Antimosquito (spray).
IR 3535, from 20 to 50%: Akipic (freezing), Loud Tropic lotion, lotion Duopic adult Manouk citronella lotion tropics.
DEET, 20 to 35% : Mouskito (spray or roller), Prebutix tropics (gel or lotion).
KBR 3023, from 20 to 30%: Mouskito tropic (spray or roller), Travel Mouskito stick, Mouskito tropical spray, Insect screen skin child.
Children over 12 years
All products mentioned above, plus:
DEET, 20 to 50%: Insect screen adult skin (gel or spray), King , Mouskito tropical spray PIKPA adults, Repel insect adults.
KBR 3023, from 20 to 30%: Insect Screen Special tropics.
course, in small as in large, repellents against the mosquitoes must not come into contact with eyes. When the product is in spray form: never spray directly on face. The product must be sprayed into the palm of your hand and then applied with the fingers to the face taking care to avoid the eye area.
It is recommended to refrain from any repellent because of the lack of safety studies.
Children from 30 months to 12 years
citriodiol, 20 to 50%: Mosiguard (spray) Antimosquito (spray).
IR 3535, from 20 to 50%: Akipic (freezing), Loud Tropic lotion, lotion Duopic adult Manouk citronella lotion tropics.
DEET, 20 to 35% : Mouskito (spray or roller), Prebutix tropics (gel or lotion).
KBR 3023, from 20 to 30%: Mouskito tropic (spray or roller), Travel Mouskito stick, Mouskito tropical spray, Insect screen skin child.
Children over 12 years
All products mentioned above, plus:
DEET, 20 to 50%: Insect screen adult skin (gel or spray), King , Mouskito tropical spray PIKPA adults, Repel insect adults.
KBR 3023, from 20 to 30%: Insect Screen Special tropics.
course, in small as in large, repellents against the mosquitoes must not come into contact with eyes. When the product is in spray form: never spray directly on face. The product must be sprayed into the palm of your hand and then applied with the fingers to the face taking care to avoid the eye area.