Talma in role of Nero.
Britannicus. Delacroix.
NeroExcited by a desire curiousThat night I saw it happen in these places,Sad, raising to heaven his eyes wet with tears,Who shone through the torches and weapons,Belle, unadorned, in the simple deviceone beauty that just snatch sleep.What do you want? I do not know if this neglect,Shadows, torches, shouting and silenceAnd the fierce aspect of its proud captorsfell from his eyes the faint sweetness.Anyway, glad of such a beautiful sight,I wanted to talk to him, and my voice was lost:Still, before long astonishment, Ithe let him go to his apartment.I spent in the mine. That's where lonelyits image in vain I tried to distract me.Too present to my eyes, I thought it speaking, I likedup crying as I was sinking.Sometimes, too late, I asked her graceI employed the sighs, and even threat. That's how, busy with my new love,without closing my eyes, waited for the day.But I am perhaps too beautiful image;It appeared to me with too much advantageNarcissus, what do you say?
Racine, Britannicus , Act II, Scene 2.
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