HENRY: - (...) Beware of People who pretend to be interested in you, beware of people who call you on the phone when they have the spleen, beware of smiling eyes and touched, beware the guy who lends you his gloves. These guys stick you use the secondary character, the better to see and be seen, and after that you are stuck, you always try to undo. These guys run behind which is a little less beautiful than them, which is somewhat less rich than they, who has more buttons than them on the mouth. They look at you, you say their friend, and keeping their gloves, they will shake hands with a look that said, as he is touching. ( Time )Beware that you glue the secondary employment and touching. Before it's too late, cross yourself, do not answer more questions, listen more, open your mouth ever again, only to say something irretrievable. ( Time) I will not open his mouth in front of them other than to say something unrecoverable and we'll see then what happens.
Sallinger , BM Koltes, III.
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