Monday, January 3, 2011

Bangbros Bangbros Saw Com

"I want to take the shovel and throw mud in a pit ..." Elevation

When seeing a child, "cried he," I think of the shameful yoke and corrupting it will carry, and it will linger like us, that it will look like us real men, that we continue as the beauty and truth, he will perish without fruit because it has been only like us ... So tear your son in the cradle and rush them into the river to escape at least your shame!

- Surely things will change, Alabanda, "I said.

- How? he replied. The heroes have lost their glory, wise men their disciples. The great deeds, if not noble enough for people to hear them, nor are they a violent blow on the forehead deaf, and high words, if they resonate in the souls high, are like a leaf whose murmurs died choking in mud. So what do you do?

- I want to take the shovel and throw mud in a pit. A nation where the spirit and grandeur nor engender more spirit and greatness has nothing in common with those who still represent real man, he has no right, and it is a vain and superstitious buffoonery that would continue to honor these inert bodies as if they hiding from Roman hearts. They disappear! The tree withered and rotten should be shot because he steals the light and air to the young life that ripens to a new world.

Hyperion, Hölderlin


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